The Healing Unleashed Blog | Category : Medical Massage

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

Is your gut telling you something is off?

Are you struggling with regular belly aches that you can’t explain? Ever wonder why some people tend to have “stomachs of iron” while you’re always the “sensitive one” and have to watch what you eat? As much as I appreciate all the cutting-edge allergy and gut testing out there, sometimes it misses the mark! Why?

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Why we will no longer be accepting insurance plans

In 2014 we made the decision to offer insurance billing to our patients. Everything was going well for several years. Over the last 2-3 years we have had our compensation begin to decline, often quite a lot. Insurance plans do NOT cover all the claims we file on your behalf. We sincerely want to help

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How to (Finally) Relieve Bloating and GI Discomfort

Do you feel bloated all the time, especially after you eat? Is there pain in your belly after mealtimes that eventually leads to diarrhea? Although unpleasant to think about, almost everyone experiences these symptoms at some point. But if these are daily hurdles for you, occurring repeatedly over several months, there is more going on

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