The Healing Unleashed Blog | Category : Emotional Health
Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

Meditation with Dr B
How much sugar do you consume? The average American consumes about 152 pounds in one year!! That’s equal to 3 pounds (6 cups) per week. Can you imagine what that much sugar is doing to your brain and the rest of your body?

Living True to Your Purpose
You may not realize that finding and living from your true life purpose is another aspect of wellness, health and vitality. Whenever we are out of alignment with who we are at the core of our being, there is distress in our life – mind, body and spirit. And this distress can cause excessive stress

Is Anxiety Causing Your Panic?
We live in a fast pace, chaotic world. We are over stimulated and sleep deprived. We aren’t eating whole, nutritious foods, or taking time for rest and relaxation. Eventually, the brain just starts into over drive, with an increase in fast brain waves (beta waves) that make you feel fearful and panicked. Your adrenal gland

The “It’s All In Your Head” Diagnosis Is Still A Problem In Women’s Health
Have you ever been ignored by your doctor, or had a problem dismissed as being “normal for your age” or “nothing to worry about for the time being?” It’s amazing how many stories women out there have about these types of problems, even in this age of technological advancement and supposed improved levels of gender

You’re Not Alone
Somewhere on your road to success, you’ll begin to understand that you are really never alone. There are amazing sources of strength and help everywhere you look—you just have to use them. You’ll have to look to find them and then know how to use them, but it beats the heck out of not having