The Healing Unleashed Blog | Category : Functional Medicine
Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

Preventing and Treating Respiratory Infections…Naturally!
We are well into cold and flu season so here are some helpful hints about how to stay healthy, and if you do “catch a cold” or “get the flu” here are some natural supplements that you may find beneficial. Many of these can be found at your local health food store. Prevention Vitamin D3

What We Believe Impacts Our Lives
Our family and the social/cultural environment in which we grew up have impacted all of us. Lots of beliefs were instilled in our young minds that we tend to carry for many years into our adulthood. Some examples are: Heart disease runs in our family All of the children in our family struggled in school

All Disease Is Disordered Function
Is this a new idea or can we go back in time to Willoughby Wade, a British physician, who coined the term “Functional Medicine”. In an article published in The Lancet on July 1, 1871, he says, “What is disease? The conclusion is that all disease is disordered function. Here, then, I say, is the

Can We Heal Our Body By Healing Our Thoughts?
Early in my medical career I realized that some people got well and others didn’t. The same situation but different outcomes depending on the person’s belief system. I then began noticing my own belief system, my thoughts, and the impact they had on the patients I served. I have always been a pretty positive, optimistic

You Really are Unique: Mind, Body, and Spirit
Principles are fundamental truths upon which a system of belief operates. Principles are not just guessing, but are based on reproducible guidelines. Functional Medicine is guided by six core principles: Biochemical Individuality: Each human being is unique at every level of being and that includes physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually Patient-centered rather than a disease-centered

Fatigue: The Great Energy Bandit
Your adrenal glands secret hormones that are necessary for life. Cortisol, which is extremely important for keeping our body systems in balance, is one of these hormones. The functions of cortisol: controls the immune system and plays a role in preventing infections maintains normal blood sugar regulates blood pressure a reliable indicator of the amount