The Healing Unleashed Blog | Category : Functional Medicine
Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

What Is Integrative Pediatrics?
Are you as a parent struggling with your child self and still not getting the answers? Do you wish there was a more natural approach to your child self than you need to hear about holistic pediatrics?

Symptoms: Your Body’s “Check Engine” Light
Have you not been feeling yourself lately? Don’t ignore symptoms like brain fog, gut problems, and poor sleep. No matter what anyone tells you, these symptoms are not normal. In fact, they are your body’s check engine light, so don’t ignore them.

Why You Still Feel Sick, Even Though Your Labs Came Back Normal
Aren’t you feeling off even though your labs came back normal, nothing could be more frustrating?
In this video, I’ll share why this happens and what you need to know about conventional medical testing.

Are Your Adrenals Stressed?
Understanding The Effects of Stress We are wondrously created with fully integrated biological systems. Let’s try to understand these systems. That’s what functional medicine is all about. There are many feedback mechanisms that control our endocrine system. Sitting on top of our kidneys are 2 small glands, the adrenal glands that control our responses to

Why Am I So Tired?
I haven’t exactly done statistics on this in my functional medicine practice, but I suspect that fatigue is probably one of the most common complaints of our new patients. Sometimes their fatigue is so extreme that it is affecting work and family life. The fatigue is often both physical and mental. As a functional medicine

Snoring and Sleep Apnea…Common Bed Fellows
How many commercials have you heard about various devices to keep you from snoring? Some of them are quite whimsical. But, this is really not a “laughing matter.” Let’s explore some ideas about why we snore, how to correct it, and the problem with undiagnosed sleep apnea. What causes snoring? Snoring is the loud noise