The Healing Unleashed Blog | Category : low energy

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

Are You Missing the Early Signs of Chronic Muscle Pain?

Muscles enable us to move. You wouldn’t blink an eye, smile or chew without muscles. Healthy muscles are strong. Strong muscles keep us active and able to accomplish life’s tasks. When muscles are in trouble long-term, joint problems will develop. There are many signs that muscles are in trouble. You may notice pain, especially when

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Is There Help for an Injured Brain?

Just like the body, the brain does not always recover perfectly after an injury. The brain can be injured at birth (forceps, suction, poor presentation of fetus, cord around neck). Any abnormal force to the head can result in brain injury. Brain injuries are often caused by minor bumps and hits, not just by major

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The Nightmare of Insomnia

Not being able to sleep is torture and plays havoc on your brain and your body. We live in a fast paced world that seems to never slow down, but you have to slow down and get adequate rest and sleep. It is during deep, non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep that your brain can clean

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Is Anxiety Causing Your Panic?

We live in a fast pace, chaotic world. We are over stimulated and sleep deprived. We aren’t eating whole, nutritious foods, or taking time for rest and relaxation. Eventually, the brain just starts into over drive, with an increase in fast brain waves (beta waves) that make you feel fearful and panicked. Your adrenal gland

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Got Brain Fog?

There seems to be an increasing incidence of people who complain of brain fog. What exactly does this mean? You have probably experienced times when you just couldn’t think clearly. Your memory seems lacking. You can’t remember why you walked into that room. You can’t find your keys. There are many reasons why this may

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An Epidemic of ADHD

Over the many years I have practiced medicine, I have seen a definite increase in the number of children and adults that are not able to focus and concentrate in school and work. There are many reasons for this uptick in the condition we call “attention deficit disorder. “ Let’s explore a few. The health

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