The Healing Unleashed Blog | Category : immune system
Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…
Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…
I haven’t exactly done statistics on this in my functional medicine practice, but I suspect that fatigue is probably one of the most common complaints of our new patients. Sometimes their fatigue is so extreme that it is affecting work and family life. The fatigue is often both physical and mental. As a functional medicine
You may not realize that finding and living from your true life purpose is another aspect of wellness, health and vitality. Whenever we are out of alignment with who we are at the core of our being, there is distress in our life – mind, body and spirit. And this distress can cause excessive stress
How many commercials have you heard about various devices to keep you from snoring? Some of them are quite whimsical. But, this is really not a “laughing matter.” Let’s explore some ideas about why we snore, how to correct it, and the problem with undiagnosed sleep apnea. What causes snoring? Snoring is the loud noise
We are well into cold and flu season so here are some helpful hints about how to stay healthy, and if you do “catch a cold” or “get the flu” here are some natural supplements that you may find beneficial. Many of these can be found at your local health food store. Prevention Vitamin D3
Have you ever eaten something and within a few hours realized that your stomach is so bloated that you can’t button your pants? It’s not uncommon for my patients to tell me that they wake up with a flat belly and by the end of the day they look six months pregnant. Do you have