Danger of “DIY-ing”

“Now don’t try this at home kids” doesn’t just apply to using heavy machinery it also applies to your health too!

In this video I’ll share why many DIY health tips can do more harm than good and why relying on an expert can make all the difference in the world.

To your health,

Dr. Wanda Bedinghaus, MD, IFMCP
Healing Unleashed

P.S. If you haven’t already, join my free FB Community of like-minded health seekers… or claim your free health consult!


About Healing Unleashed

Known for her successful treatment of mystery illnesses, Dr. Wanda Bedinghaus and her team at Healing Unleashed combine an integrative, functional medicine approach with the appropriate lab testing.

Our unique approach to diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders recognizes that lasting health depends on resolution of the root causes of your disease. Click here to learn more »

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