The Healing Unleashed Blog | Category : Gut Health
Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

3 Surprising Things That Sabotage Digestion (Causing Diarrhea, Bloating and Constipation)
Dealing with embarrassing gas and bloating? Notice that you feel extra full after eating instead of energized? Maybe you’re dealing with a touch of heartburn too? Many people chock it up to stress or “having a sensitive stomach” when in fact there are many other factors at play… The conventional approach doesn’t take into consideration the harm done to the whole microbiome ecosystem, or how this imbalance of your healthy gut bacteria plays such a crucial role in the brain gut connection

What Is Acid Reflux? (and why Acid Reflux Meds Are Dangerous!)
How much sugar do you consume? The average American consumes about 152 pounds in one year!! That’s equal to 3 pounds (6 cups) per week. Can you imagine what that much sugar is doing to your brain and the rest of your body?

Break Free From Abdominal Bloating and Constipation!
How much sugar do you consume? The average American consumes about 152 pounds in one year!! That’s equal to 3 pounds (6 cups) per week. Can you imagine what that much sugar is doing to your brain and the rest of your body?

Belching, Bloating…is it SIBO (Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth)?
How much sugar do you consume? The average American consumes about 152 pounds in one year!! That’s equal to 3 pounds (6 cups) per week. Can you imagine what that much sugar is doing to your brain and the rest of your body?

How Leaky Gut Leads To Brain Fog
How much sugar do you consume? The average American consumes about 152 pounds in one year!! That’s equal to 3 pounds (6 cups) per week. Can you imagine what that much sugar is doing to your brain and the rest of your body?

Common Myths About Heartburn (And Is It Actually GERD ?)
How much sugar do you consume? The average American consumes about 152 pounds in one year!! That’s equal to 3 pounds (6 cups) per week. Can you imagine what that much sugar is doing to your brain and the rest of your body?