The Healing Unleashed Blog | Category : Gut Health
Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

6 Gut “Killers”
As a trained functional medicine practitioner, I believe that all disease starts in the gut… and when your digestive health is compromised, your body is feeling the impact as well… Here’s 6 things that are killing gut health… 💣 AntibioticsAntibiotics can kill the “good” bacteria in your body, along with the “bad,” and upset the

HELP! I’m Confused About Probiotics!
✨ There’s a lot of info out there about probiotics… but unfortunately, lots of products just don’t work and I don’t want you to waste your time or your money! First off, probiotics contain one or more microorganisms to restore beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. ✨ If you have GI issues, probiotic supplements can

Is Your Poop Telling You That Your Digestive Health Stinks?
Are you wondering why so many health experts are suddenly talking about poop? Don’t poo-poo this as a fad! Your poop is kinda like a “movie trailer” to the full movie for your digestive health. It’s the number one clinical indicator of overall gut health 🙂 The more we learn about gut bacteria, the more

6 Things That Are Destroying the Health of Your Gut
As a functional medicine practitioner, I believe that all disease starts in the gut… and when your digestive health is compromised, your body is feeling the impact as well… Here are 6 things that are destroying gut health… 💣 Antibiotics Antibiotics may be necessary at times, but repeated rounds of antibiotics can certainly decimate the

Something FEELS Off? Find Out What’s Bugging You
If something just “doesn’t feel right lately”, it could be an indication that your gut bugs are imbalanced… Did you know we are more bacteria than humans? Yep, there are 300-500 different kinds of bacteria containing nearly 2 million genes, and the balance between the good and bad gut bacteria makes ALL the difference in

Is Leaky Gut To Blame?
Are you struggling with brain fog and mood swings? Are seasonal allergies driving you CRAZY? Perhaps you have constant tummy troubles too? It may be Leaky Gut!! Messing with your gut health is no laughing matter. That’s because the gut governs 80% of your immune system and creates 95% of your serotonin (the primary neurotransmitter