The Healing Unleashed Blog | Category : Gut Health
Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

Feeling crummy and just wish your symptoms would go away? Well don’t wish them away yet, because they are trying to tell you something… something important about your health and what you have in your power to change to feel better! Watch The Video Blog! To your health, Dr. Wanda Bedinghaus, MD, IFMCP Healing Unleashed

Acid Reflux
Are you tired of popping pills to calm your burning stomach? Have you been to too many doctors who just say the same thing over and over and never give you any real solutions to why you can’t eat without suffering the pain of heartburn? You are tired of being told to just live with

Autoimmune illnesses are on the rise like never before… All the more reason to understand what causes or accelerates them so we can turn the tide. Hi, I’m Dr. Wanda Bedinghaus, functional medicine doctor. Let’s talk about the importance of gut health. To your health, Dr. Wanda Bedinghaus, MD, IFMCP Healing Unleashed P.S. If you

Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune illnesses are on the rise like never before… All the more reason to understand what causes or accelerates them so we can turn the tide. Hi, I’m Dr. Wanda Bedinghaus, functional medicine doctor. Let’s talk about the importance of gut health. To your health, Dr. Wanda Bedinghaus, MD, IFMCPHealing Unleashed P.S. If you haven’t

Bloated? Tired? Crabby? Do you suspect that you may have leaky gut?
A leaky gut happens when part of our intestinal lining (over 4,000 square feet of surface area) gets damaged. When it’s working properly, tight barriers keep food particles from going into the bloodstream. Yet a crack or tear in the gut lining allows partially digested food, toxins, and harmful bacteria to penetrate your blood stream

6 Things You Might Not Know About SIBO/IBS/Digestive Health
Feel like you’ll just keel over and die some days from intestinal pain while your doctor just keeps saying “it’s all in your head”? Do you get bloated at almost every meal and can’t figure out why? Do you fear restaurant menus because you fear something will just “set you off” and you won’t be